Dec 10, 2022
Hello lovely you,
Welcome to the Best of Season 4 (2022) of the Cosmic Bos Music Podcast.
It's been a crazy fun year, full of competitions and compositions, challenges and sandwiches, and a breakdown of the music making process in the form of our Making of an Album special presentation.
Sit back, relax, and enjoy this meandering adventure through the year of 2022 with your musical guides, Cosmic Bos.
Here's the interview with did with Mark Schuster as mentioned in the podcast (it was back in April '22)
And check out Andrew Hartshorn and Monochrome Motif Records
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Epic outer galactic shout out to all the wonderful peeps mentioned in the show, we love you all, you make our musical world turn.
Check out our link tree for all your Cosmic Bos needs
Here is the full tracklist for B.O.S 4
Thanks for all the support in 2022, we have lots more exciting adventures to come in '23, including big Andrew Hartshorn collabs, and the actual release of The O Door, the album we were making for our Making of an Album series. Plus we are going to launch a kinda competition, for songwriters and musicians, linked in with the lovely people of Music Weeklies. Roll on '23.
Peace and infinite love
Cosmic Bos