Oct 1, 2020
Welcome to Bos Trumps,
This is the dance suit, we will have 4 other suits coming at some point, but for now, it's time to dance.
So get your dancing shoes on (everyone has special dancing shoes right?) and prepare for a jaunt and a jig as Jethro, Jeffrey and Nick play Bos Trumps.
What is Bos Trumps I hear you ask, well, it's normal trumps but with Bos songs instead of monsters or TV characters or poisonous fruits. What are Bos songs? Well, they are songs from the improv-revisation podcast made by Cosmic Bos. To date (1/10/2020) Cosmic Bos have released 15 improv(revised) albums, and the dancey songs are here in this suit of cards.
Usually the tracklist would appear here, and this is no different, so if you don't wish to have the order of the songs spoilt for you, don't read any further.
All music improvised by Chris Mace, Nick Jackson and Andy Jackson, with guests Joe Philogene, Ashley Carter, Bob Duffield, Paul Bradley and Charlie Gibbs
All music revised and mastered by Chris Mace, Nick Jackson and Andy Jackson.
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