Feb 28, 2022
Welcome to Episode 2 of our Making of an Album series
This episode is about writing, in particular, traditional forms of song writing, examining the songwriting process from the angle of songwriters.
Nick and Andy (Cosmic Bos) collectively have several hundred songs to their names, and here they breakdown the fundamentals of songwriting, examining structure and form, before writing a song in front of your very ears.
Visited several times throughout the episode, Nick and Andy sat over two sessions and wrote a song from start to finish. Here we try to show you the creative process in its raw state.
Nick and Andy also talk about the history of songwriting, as well as their own personal histories of songwriting, including several examples from their songbooks.
The first proper song you hear in this episode is Astral Underwear, a song that Cosmic Bos created using their new musical construction method, Improv Squared (More on this in the next episode).
In the middle of the episode you are treated to two songs from Andy and Nicks songbooks.
Love Defined is by Andy Jackson and is about his wife
Spontaneous Plan is by Nick Jackson and is about his wife
Both songs are available on Cosmic Bos From the Songbook (2020)
Email cosmicbos@gmail.com with your favourite wife
The episode concludes with our other double A side single 'Forever Bruised', which is acoustically written music by Andy and Nick over a haunting poem by Dayne Howcroft
Thanks for listening
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