Nov 5, 2023
Welcome to the Monthly Music Challenge with Cosmic Bos podcast
Monthly Music Challenge MMC 1.10 - Finale
We have reached the final theme of the Monthly Music Challenge's first year of existing, there will be no more monthly musical shenanigans until 2024, well, apart from the MMC Awards, and a few albums being available to buy on CD (SPOILER ALERT!) Cosmic Bos and Andrew Hartshorn both having CD's out under Monochrome Motif Records in December on bandcamp
Alas, we get ahead of ourselves, for right now, Nick and Andy Jackson and Jackson (Cosmic Bos) delve deep into the wonderful, eclectic, fascinating world of indie music, presenting for your earholes, interpretations of Finale, the Final E, the Fin Ale, the last song for the MMC1 albums we've all been making all year, the final outing for 2023, music made to the theme of Finale.
With some truly amazeball choonage that is sure to crispy your disco chicken, awesome your sauce, go on a musical adventure like no other, for the Finale outing in 2023, Cosmic Bos proudly presents the music of Mobidextrous, Above the Snow Line ft. John Serrano, Trench Gun, Notehead, TexMex Shaman and Tea R Sea, Andrew 'Big Dog' Hartshorn, Voltage Poetry Project, Taylor Lidstone, Hell'YEAH'waddler, Mario Marino, A Sea Warren (we can call him Al), Only the Host, Uncle Funkbeard, The Eclectic Collective, Chemical Shift/Broken Nomads and of course your idiotic hosts, Cosmic Bos.
Thank you so much for coming on this musical journey with us, it has been amazeballs from start to finish, and please support all these exceptional artists by buying their music, or at least following them on Spotify and other musical socials, bandcamp is still currently worth a visit.
We have made our Tringle for this episode 'pay what you want', with nothing being an option, so please go help yourself to a copy of our three tracks for this episode.
Comments make the indie musical world go round, so please leave comments wherever you get your MMC fix, thanks a billyuion.
You can also pick up our Monochrome Motif album - Cosmic Bos MMC 1 (2023)
Along with the Big Dog's MMC album 'Mythos Unveiled' too, Andrew Hartshorn Mythos Unveiled
Together you can get both on CD for £12 on bandcamp, whatta bargain!
Right, now onto the songs, here is the full tracklist for the episode:
Now that is one massive bowl of crispy chicken soup for the soul, this is the bit of the podcast write up where we would usually announce the next theme, but technically there isn't one. However, as we have already decided that we're coming back next year to do Monthly Music Challenge 2, we offer up a little winter challenge for the keen and eager. In Janurary, Cosmic Bos will do a 'MMC 2.0 intro' episode, to reintroduce the idea for next year, and give peeps the month of Jan to jam their themed jam. If you want to get in ahead of the game a bit, then we will spin on the show any 'intro's' you wish to make for your MMC2 album. We will make one, probably use it to double up as a theme tune for MMC2 podcast, not sure yet. But anyway, you have until the beginning of 2024 to send us any intros you wish, we will play them in the MMC 2.0 ep, keep 'em short, they are just intro's.
With the year coming to close in a short while, we are going to do the Monthly Music Challenge awards for year 1, if you have taken part this year you are in the runnings for an award, we will split it into two parts, with a Gold and Silver version of each award, maybe, still pondering it to be honest.
If you wanted to vote for your favourite songs from any of the previous episodes, please drop a comment on the youtube vid for the coresponding episode, we will listen to your advice, or at least read and like the comment.
Please like, share and subscribe to Cosmic Bos on youtube, we do video work too for your eyeballs.
All that's left to say is a massive thank you to all the artists that have contributed to the MMC over 2023, and all you amazing listeners who have support this project, we really love you and it's been an absolute delight to build this community of creativity. Please comment on the MMC, it really helps spread the word and share the music far and wide.
Peace and infinite love
Cosmic Bos
P.S - Big Mic will return if you ask for him