Oct 8, 2023
Welcome to the Monthly Music Challenge with Cosmic Bos Podcast
Monthly Music Challenge MMC 1.9 - Superspectacular
Join Nick and Andy (Cosmic Bos) as we explore the spectacular, super spectacular in factular, freshist, most organic, juiciest indie music being made today, with all the songs having been made in September of 2023 around the theme of Superspectacular, and we must say it is something rather special indeed.
You are in for a treat here, the music served up this month is all of the highest degree, truly awesome sauce on the hotdog of life, with amazeballs tracks by John Serrano and Raul Lupianez, Andrew Hartshorn, TexMex Shaman, Mario Marino, Trench Gun, Above the Snow Line, Hellwaddler, Notehead, A Sea Warren, Broken Nomads, Mobidextrous, Taylor Lidstone and of course your idiotic hosts, Cosmic Bos.
It really is something to behold, please support all this amazing indie music that is as up to date as you can get, comments, likes, subscribes, support is what makes it all worthwhile, and these artists are truly something else, well worth your time.
You can listen to and purchase all of Cosmic Bos's Superspectacular tracks in a hand EP on bandcamp https://cosmicbos.bandcamp.com/album/mmc-19-superspectacular and if you are so inclinded, a comment makes our dayz.
Big shout out the Only the Host and his crispy crew of awesomeness, Cosmic Bos loves you all and can't wait for more of you to join the MMC, we have rooms all ready on the MMC challenger, come along for the musical ride.
Here is the full Super Spectacular Tracklist (or SuperSpectrackulist if you prefer):
There you have it, amazeballs all over the pit. Probably time to tell you what the final theme of MMC1 is going to be. Without further ado, MMC 1.10 will be Finale, that's Finale
MMC 1.10 - Finale (coming 4th November)
You have till the 3rd of November to send your 'Finale' songs to us, please email an mp3 and a lil blurb to cosmicbos@gmail.com . You can always send Late Sub's to us on any of the previous themes for the year, we have a special section for them in the show.
MMC 1.10 Finale will be the last theme for 2023, but fear not, we shall return in 2024 with MMC2, 10 more themes to build an album around. Before that though, we will do the Best of MMC1 Awards, where we will give out awards to our favourite tracks from across the years monthly music challenging. We will also do a Rest of MMC1 because there's a lot to go over.
Please like, share and subscribe to Cosmic Bos, and comments are the best thing ever, so if you've got one in you please drop it on our podcast somewhere (YouTube's good for comments), pwease and thank yow.
Peace and infinite crispy love
Cosmic Bos
P.S - Big Mick?
P.P.S - Cosmic Bos Superspectacular EP is available here https://cosmicbos.bandcamp.com/album/mmc-19-superspectacular