Dec 1, 2023
Here it is peeps, the Monthly Music Challenge 2023 Awards - GOLD EDITION with your hosts Cosmic Bos
2023 has been one helluva ride for the Monthly Music Challenge podcast, when we started this back in Jan 2023 (ahh memories) with the help of Music Weeklies and the support of our awesome partners in musical business (Andrew Hartshorn & Al Warren), we had no idea how it would go, but here we are at the tail end of 23 and we are doing an Awards show, 2 of them no less (SPOILER ALERT! there will be a Silver Awards show too).
Welcome to the first annual Monthly Music Challenge Awards, 2023, with your hosts Cosmic Bos
We have handed out awards to go with each of the themes of MMC1, and using the album that we made ourselves for the challenge (which you can buy on CD and Download from bandcamp right now! follow the link -
So as not to reveal the winners in this here bit of text, all the nominees will be written out in no particular order, and you will have to listen to find out the Gold Award winner.
New Beginnings Award
Escape Award
Ignorance Award
Winning Award
Razzmajazz Award
Artificial Intelligence Award
Mother Earth Award
Dreams Award
Super Spectacular Award
Finale Award
There you have it, all these songs have picked up an award, but only one from each list gets the GOLD Award. Massive THANK YOU to everyone that submitted a song to the MMC in 2023, we had 167 songs made for the challenge by you! that's so awesome sauce.
In between each of the award winning songs, you get to hear Cosmic Bos submission to the MMC for that month, which you can buy on CD from Bandcamp here
And you can get Andrew Hartshorn's MMC album on bandcamp too
And you can buy the pair of them together for a lovely little discount, please consider supporting us by buying our music, we do this all for love, but it would be nice to see some money pwease too.
Anyway, the Cosmic Bos songs that you will hear scattered across the award show are as follows
All the tracks on our album that Monochrome Motif have put out on CD! and you can grab a copy right here
Also also, right at the end of the podcast we gave a cheeky extra GOLD Award to Hartshorn, Jackson, Jackson and Warren for the song 'Barbenheimer', as it was originally an MMC sub by Hartshorn that got bigged up into a HJJW track, so that Nick and Andy (the Jackson's) could get a Gold award too.
Thank you for all the support
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And leave us comments, we love comments
See you soon for the SILVER AWARD show
Peace and infinite love
Cosmic Bos
Oh yeah, go buy the album