Dec 10, 2023
So peeps, Cosmic Bos (your hosts of the MMC) presented the Gold Awards for the awesome music sent in the the Monthly Music Challenge in 2023. That was the Best of 2023, 11 Gold Award winning artists of the indie music scene, taking on challenges with a time limit and making the crispiest Golden music known to earballs in the solar rotational calander year known as 2023.
There were of course, a great many Monthly Music Challenge submissions from which the gold award winners were plucked, and to honour the truly exceptional work of the awesome artists of the MMC, Cosmic Bos gave Silver Awards to all the shortlisted songs for the awards.
So, we now present to you the Rest of MMC 2023, containing 10 of the Silver Award winning artists award winning songs, as well as 10 more Cosmic Bos songs from the rest of the music we made for the Monthly Music Challenge.
Side note - Cosmic Bos took part in the Music Weeklies challenge for almost the entire year, producing 43 songs for the MMC which are all available on the EP's that went with each Monthly Challenge. Not to brag or nothing, but it was an experiment that helped shape both Andy and Nick into the Bos'es they need to be to helm the MMC Challenger (it's a rocket, submarine, train thing that crosses the musical multiverse, see previous episodes for more details).
Monochrome Motif Records (the label run by Andrew Hartshorn) very kindly released Cosmic Bos MMC 1 (2023) on CD no less! Check out the bandcamp link here for details on purchase, download and streaming freeloads too.
Here is the full shortlist of awesome Silver Award winners, please go and subscribe to them all on all the socials.
New Beginnings Silver Award winners
Escape Silver Award winners
Ignorance Silver Award winners
Winning Silver Award winners
Razzmajazz Silver Award winners
Artificial Intelligence Silver Award winners
Mother Earth Silver Award winners
Dreams Silver Award winners
Super Spectacular Silver Award winners
Finale Silver Award winners
Now that is one helluva set of songs right there, we recomment you go and listen to all of them, and please share the love with all the artists, they are amazeballs and deserve more attention.
The 10 Cosmic Bos songs played, or what we refer to as our Rest of 2023 are as follows:
So there you have it, 2023 in a couple of nutshells, this being the Silver one, go rub the Gold one if you haven't already, or just go rub it again if you are so inclined.
Thank you so much for all your support over the year, the Monthly Music Challenge has been an absolute joy to watch grow and evolve, and it's all the amazing artists taking part that have helped grow this community of real music happening now for the earballs of today.
We are open for submissions of any previous hashtag for MMC1, as well as any Intro pieces you wish to send us ready for MMC2. In Jan we will do an introduction to MM2 episode, where we will announce the theme for Monthly Music Challenge 2.1.
Please comment on this podcast too, help us spread the word of the Monthly Music Challenge
Peace and infinite love
Cosmic Bos