Feb 24, 2023
Hello friends,
We are getting close to the end of Feb and the next hashtag for the Monthly Music Challenge, get your #Escape songs in before 3rd March for a chance to be played on this very podcast.
You can also submit #Freedom songs,
and #StandOut tracks too, there is another hashtag for Feb coming today.
Full video Stand Out on YouTube
@CosmicBos song 'Stand Out' (imaginatively titled, but when you hear it you will see why it
couldn't have been anything else) is the first of two made for the challenge. Andy didn't need to make two songs, he just chose to.
The sister song 'Out Standing' coming to the podcast tomorrow in a similar fashion to this one.
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New songs weekly and new EP's Monthly
Spoiler Alert - MMC 1.2 Escape by Cosmic Bos coming 4th March, containing the songs 'Make Good Our Escape', 'But What Does Freedom Mean?', 'Stand Out', 'Out Standing', unknown last hashtag of Feb song and possibly a little older song from our songbooks.
Peace and infinite love
Cosmic Bos