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Cosmic Bos Podcast ft. David Battenberg Cake

May 31, 2021

Cosmic Bos Improvisation 2: Sunrise Reflections

ft. Ram Dass

Joe Philogene - Ngoni and Percussions

Nick Jackson - Electric Guitar, Synth and Vocals

Andy Jackson - Acoustic Guitar, Synth and Vocals


  1. Time is Now
  2. Bad Decisions
  3. Sunrise Reflections
  4. Apparently
  5. Intentionally
  6. Feel the World
  7. Words of Wisdom 3 - Ram...

May 27, 2021

So friends,

Here we present to you the second in our Words of Wisdom series, the one and only Mr. Robert Anton Wilson.
Cosmic Bos improvised some music, then put this sample of RAW on top.

The Robert Anton Wilson clip is taken from the Psychedelic Salon, link to the unmusical version here

May 21, 2021

Here we present to you an idea that has been banging around for quite a while now, an improvised musical journey with a wise speaker over the top, and where better to start such an idea then with the one and only Terence McKenna.

So for your wisdom today, Cosmic Bos Improvisation presents

Words of Wisdom 1: Terence...

May 8, 2021

Not Babylon or Rome - Cosmic Bos Improvisation

Visual meditation for you with a sunrise and a sunset merged over the original footage of Nick Jackson, Joe Philogene. and Andy Jackson when they improvised the song.

Peace be the Journey friends


It was fun while it lasted
Just the one more , I’m...

May 1, 2021

Improvisation 1: Soundscapes in the Moment

Joe Philogene - Ngoni & Percussion

Nick Jackson - Electric Guitar, Synths and Backing Vocals

Andy Jackson - Acoustic Guitar and Vocals

On the 3rd of April (Easter Saturday) 2021, Joe, Nick and Andy sat down and improvised two hours of music, this podcast is the unedited full...