May 7, 2023
Welcome to the Monthly Music Challenge with Cosmic Bos
Episode 1.4 - Winning
Cosmic Bos EP that accompanies this episode is found on bandcamp here
Cosmic Bos (Nick and Andy Jackson) present for your listening pleasure the finest in underground musical talent building a musical empire, one hashtag at a time, for the fourth outing of the first year of the MMC, we took on the epic concept of #Winning, and invited the worlds musicians to also take part, and some of them did, and here it is, in podcast form for you.
This is the first hashtag that we have undertaken without being partnered up with the music weeklies peeps (check them out, they are awesome sauce), but rest assured, this episode still contains several of the challenges set by the weeklies, once all the Winning has been dealt with.
And, returning once again, we have the Late Subs section, with some tasty musical treats for your ears around the previous hashtags of the MMC.
Before #SpoilerAlert ending the show with a track from the Poseidon's Realm album by the Monochrome Assembly
Check out the Monochrome Assembly bandcamp here
The next hashtag for Monthly Music Challengers is #Rasmajazz
in conjunction with the Music Weeklies again, we challenge you to explore your expressive Jazz, be wild, be bold, and see what happens, it's all that kinda jazz baby! You have until the 2nd of June to get your Rasmajazz songs to us, send mp3's and a bio or song info to
Here is the full tracklist for MMC 1.4 Winning
What a collection of Winning songs right there, all returning players to the MMC, with an eclectic take on the theme, bangers one and all, go check out all these wonders on the socials.
On to the weekly hashtag songs provided by the @musicweeklies
That leaves us with the LATE SUBS, Whoop Whoop!
And finally, to cap the episode off nicely, we present to you another track from the Poseidon's Realm album by the Monochrome Assembly
Thanks for listening and supporting, please consider subscribing and leaving comments and share with all your friends
Our youtube Cosmic Bos YouTube Channel